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Latest News: Next-gen iPhone leaked the supposedly more, get assembled sans offal

More attention should be made available in Apple's next-gen iPhone? Matching with the part that leaked earlier already said, the iPhone elongated body with a docking port and brushed metal miniature has now resurfaced, civility at Factory iLab.

While many of the parts that seem confusing similar to what we have seen, this is the first time we have observed in the densely arranged and the ideal of all the space - well, except from the owner of the SIM card is missing. While most of the all-important organ meats look no, this does not come with complete what seems to be a ribbon display and keypad lock for home.

ILab workshop has posted his own photo, but the pictures seem to show the body fully assembled and ideal. New pictures presenting a clear and tangible, assembled the rest black generation iPhone might look like when the ship to customers this fall. The thing you do is as usual, doing obligatory spoonful of sodium chloride, and examine it in galleries and View the video below.                                              

Via: 9to5mac, engadget
Source: ilab factory

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